- Twohanded[양손검]
Barbarian 1 - 000babe8
Barbarian 2 - 00079346
Barbarian 3 - 00079347
Barbarian 4 - 00079348
Barbarian 5 - 00079349
Champion's Stance - 00052d51
Devastating Blow - 00052d52
Great Critical Charge - 000cb407
Sweep - 0003af9e
Warmaster - 0003afa7
Deep Wounds 1 - 0003af83
Deep Wounds 2 - 000c1e94
Deep Wounds 3 - 000c1e95
Limbsplitter 1 - 000c5c05
Limbsplitter 2 - 000c5c06
Limbsplitter 3 - 000c5c07
Skullcrusher 1 - 0003af84
Skullcrusher 2 - 000c1e96
Skullcrusher 3 - 000c1e97
- Onehanded[한손검]
Armsman 1 - 000babe4
Armsman 2 - 00079343
Armsman 3 - 00079342
Armsman 4 - 00079344
Armsman 5 - 00079345
Bladesman 1 - 0005f56f
Bladesman 2 - 000c1e90
Bladesman 3 - 000c1e91
Bone Breaker 1 - 0005f592
Bone Breaker 2 - 000c1e92
Bone Breaker 3 - 000c1e93
Dual Flurry 1 - 00106256
Dual Flurry 2 - 00106257
Dual Savagery - 00106258
Fighting Stance - 00052d50
Critical Charge - 000cb406
Savage Strike - 0003af81
Paralyzing Strike - 0003afa6
Hack and Slash 1 - 0003fffa
Hack and Slash 2 - 000c3678
Hack and Slash 3 - 000c3679
- Marksman[궁술]
Overdraw 1 - 000babed
Overdraw 2 - 0007934a
Overdraw 3 - 0007934b
Overdraw 4 - 0007934d
Overdraw 5 - 00079354
Critical Shot 1 - 00105f1c
Critical Shot 2 - 00105f1e
Critical Shot 3 - 00105f1f
Hunter's Discipline - 00051b12
Ranger - 00058f63
Eagle Eye - 00058f61
Power Shot - 00058f62
Quick Shot - 00105f19
Bullseye - 00058f64
Critical Shot 1 - 00103ada
Critical Shot 2 - 00103adb
- Lightarmor[경갑]
Agile Defender 1 - 000be123
Agile Defender 2 - 00079376
Agile Defender 3 - 00079389
Agile Defender 4 - 00079391
Agile Defender 5 - 00079392
Custom Fit - 00051b1b
Matching Set - 00051b17
Unhindered - 00051b1c
Wind Walker - 00105f22
Deft Movement - 00107831
- Sneak[은신]
Stealth 1 - 000be126
Stealth 2 - 000c07c6
Stealth 3 - 000c07c7
Stealth 4 - 000c07c8
Stealth 5 - 000c07c9
Backstab - 00058210
Deadly Aim - 001036f0
Assassin's Blade - 00058211
Muffled Movement - 00058213
Light Foot - 0005820c
Silent Roll - 00105f23
Silence - 00105f24
Shadow Warrior - 00058214
- Lockpicking[자물쇠해제]
Novice Locks - 000f392a
Apprentice Locks - 000be125
Quick Hands - 00106259
Wax Key - 00107830
Adept Locks - 000c3680
Expert Locks - 000c3681
Golden Touch - 0005820a
Treasure Hunter - 00105f26
Locksmith - 00058208
Unbreakable - 00058209
Master Locks - 000c3682
- Pickpocket[소매치기]
Light Fingers 1 - 000be124
Light Fingers 2 - 00018e6a
Light Fingers 3 - 00018e6b
Light Fingers 4 - 00018e6c
Light Fingers 5 - 00018e6d
Night Thief - 00058202
Cutpurse - 00058204
Keymaster - 000d79a0
Misdirection - 00058201
Perfect Touch - 00058205
Extra Pockets - 00096590
Poisoned - 00105f28
- Speechcraft[화술]
Haggling 1 - 000be128
Haggling 2 - 000c07ce
Haggling 3 - 000c07cf
Haggling 4 - 000c07d0
Haggling 5 - 000c07d1
Allure - 00058f75
Merchant - 00058f7a
Investor - 00058f7b
Fence - 00058f79
Master Trader - 001090a5
Bribery - 001090a4
Persuasion - 001090a2
Intimidation - 00105f29
- Alchemy[연금술]
Alchemist 1 - 000be127
Alchemist 2 - 000c07ca
Alchemist 3 - 000c07cb
Alchemist 4 - 000c07cc
Alchemist 5 - 000c07cd
Physician - 00058215
Benefactor - 00058216
Experimenter 1 - 00058218
Experimenter 2 - 00105f2a
Experimenter 3 - 00105f2b
Poisoner - 00058217
Concentrated Poison - 00105f2f
Green Thumb - 00105f2e
Snakeblood - 00105f2c
Purity - 0005821d
- Illusion[환상마법]
Novice Illusion - 000f2ca9
Animage - 000581e1
Kindred Mage - 000581e2
Quiet Casting - 000581fd
Apprentice Illusion - 000c44c3
Adept Illusion - 000c44c4
Expert Illusion - 000c44c5
Master Illusion - 000c44c6
Hypnotic Gaze - 00059b77
Aspect of Terror - 00059b78
Rage - 000c44b5
Master of the Mind - 00059b76
Illusion Dual Casting - 000153d0
- Conjuration[소환마법]
Novice Conjuration - 000f2ca7
Apprentice Conjuration - 000c44bb
Adept Conjuration - 000c44bc
Expert Conjuration - 000c44bd
Master Conjuration - 000c44be
Conjuration Dual Casting - 000153ce
Mystic Binding - 000640b3
Soul Stealer - 000d799e
Oblivion Binding - 000d799c
Necromancy - 000581dd
Dark Souls - 000581de
Summoner 1 - 00105f30
Summoner 2 - 00105f31
Atromancy - 000cb419
Elemental Potency - 000cb41a
Twin Souls - 000d5f1c
- Destruction[파괴마법]
Novice Destruction - 000f2ca8
Apprentice Destruction - 000c44bf
Adept Destruction - 000c44c0
Expert Destruction - 000c44c1
Master Destruction - 000c44c2
Rune Master - 00105f32
Augmented Flames 1 - 000581e7
Augmented Flames 2 - 0010fcf8
Intense Flames - 000f392e
Augmented Frost 1 - 000581ea
Augmented Frost 2 - 0010fcf9
Deep Freeze - 000f3933
Augmented Shock 1 - 00058200
Augmented Shock 2 - 0010fcfa
Disintegrate - 000f3f0e
Destruction Dual Casting - 000153cf
Impact - 000153d2
- Restoration[회복마법]
Novice Restoration - 000f2caa
Apprentice Restoration - 000c44c7
Adept Restoration - 000c44c8
Expert Restoration - 000c44c9
Master Restoration - 000c44ca
Recovery 1 - 000581f4
Recovery 2 - 000581f5
Avoid Death - 000a3f64
Regeneration - 000581f8
Necromage - 000581e4
Respite - 000581f9
Restoration Dual Casting - 000153d1
Ward Absorb - 00068bcc
- Alteration[변화마법]
Novice Alteration - 000f2ca6
Alteration Dual Casting - 000153cd
Apprentice Alteration - 000c44b7
Magic Resistance 1 - 00053128
Magic Resistance 2 - 00053129
Magic Resistance 3 - 0005312a
Adept Alteration - 000c44b8
Expert Alteration - 000c44b9
Atronach - 000581f7
Master Alteration - 000c44ba
Stability - 000581fc
Mage Armor 1 - 000d7999
Mage Armor 2 - 000d799a
Mage Armor 3 - 000d799b
- Enchanting[마법부여]
Enchanter 1 - 000bee97
Enchanter 2 - 000c367c
Enchanter 3 - 000c367d
Enchanter 4 - 000c367e
Enchanter 5 - 000c367f
Fire Enchanter - 00058f80
Frost Enchanter - 00058f81
Storm Enchanter - 00058f82
Insightful Enchanter - 00058f7e
Corpus Enchanter - 00058f7d
Extra Effect - 00058f7f
Soul Squeezer - 00058f7c
Soul Siphon - 00108a44
- Smithing[제련]
Steel Smithing - 000cb40d
Arcane Blacksmith - 0005218e
Dwarven Smithing - 000cb40e
Orcish Smithing - 000cb410
Ebony Smithing - 000cb412
Daedric Smithing - 000cb413
Elven Smithing - 000cb40f
Advanced Armors - 000cb414
Glass Smithing - 000cb411
Dragon Armor - 00052190
- Heavyarmor[중갑]
Juggernaut 1 - 000bcd2a
Juggernaut 2 - 0007935e
Juggernaut 3 - 00079361
Juggernaut 4 - 00079362
Juggernaut 5 - 00079374
Fists of Steel - 00058f6e
Cushioned - 000bcd2b
Conditioning - 00058f6d
Well Fitted - 00058f6f
Tower of Strength - 00058f6c
Matching Set - 00107832
Reflect Blows - 00105f33
- Block[방어]
Shield Wall 1 - 000bccae
Shield Wall 2 - 00079355
Shield Wall 3 - 00079356
Shield Wall 4 - 00079357
Shield Wall 5 - 00079358
Deflect Arrows - 00058f68
Elemental Protection - 00058f69
Block Runner - 00106253
Power Bash - 00058f67
Deadly Bash - 0005f594
Disarming Bash - 00058f66
Shield Charge - 00058f6a
Quick Reflexes - 000d8c33