참고 링크 자료
The Basics of GPU Voxelization
What Can You Do With Voxelization? A voxel representation of a scene has spatial data as opposed to the conventional rasterization view (as stored in a render target) which just has a slice of depth value.
An accurate method for Voxelizing Polygon Meshes – Jeroen Baert's Blog
Transforming a polygon mesh into a 3D grid / voxel data set is still the quickest way to play with some interesting data in any voxel-based application. You can do this interactively on the GPU, using Eisemann/Décoret’s method, described in Single-pass
Simple Mesh Voxelization in Unity – Bronson Zgeb
Simple Mesh Voxelization in Unity In this article, I explore a naive approach to mesh voxelization in Unity. Mesh voxelization is a helpful tool to determine mesh connectivity and volume. We can use this information to create pathfinding grids, heat diffus
무료 에셋인 해골 모델에 Voxelization을 해봤다.
ㅋㅋ 이쁜듯.
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